Full Pitch

Treatment ► Link→

Explanation: The key theme of our music video will be a sense of sobering regret towards adolescent hedonism, and a desire to mature. This moral decision will be signified by the change in his attitudes in the lyrics and in our video, with children as policemen highlighting the debate of age and maturity which comes across in the lyrics.

However, the specific narrative will be fragmented to the cusp of ambiguity. The clinic's letter itself will not be specified, instead allowing the audience to draw their own conclusions of what it says from the actor's reaction (drawing from the ending of one of my favourite music videos, Radiohead's 'Just' [link]). Similarly, there will be no literal explanation of the policemen, which in turn portrays them as "metaphorical" characters, ie representing an idea rather than an actual person. The chasing scene will also show desirability of the artist, as well as his desire to 'escape' his lifestyle.

I think that the reasons behind our idea will give it critical depth, while the use of chaotic flashbacks, contrasting locations and clashing timelines will provide fun, sustained interest, ambiguity, fragmented disorientation and narrative enigma to what could otherwise be a dull video.

Casting ► Link→
Locations ► Link→